Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wesak B.E. 2555

This year’s Wesak Day falls on the 17th of May.

Wesak Day is significant to all Buddhists as it commemorates the three important events in the life of the Buddha - His Birth, Enlightenment and Passing Away.

Buddhists commemorate these events because the Buddha shows us that with great conviction, energetic effort and accumulated wisdom, these have helped Him in attaining the Enlightenment.

And after His passing away, He left behind a rich legacy of teachings which still contribute greatly towards the spiritual and cultural advancement of humanity.

The Buddha gained enlightenment in 588 BCE. Thus 2011 marks the 2,600th Anniversary of the His Enlightenment and propagation of Dharma (Buddha’s teaching).

Despite Buddhism’s long history of destruction and revival due to persecution and calamities, it is gaining wide spread adoption across the world. This proves that the Dharma taught by the Buddha is as relevant and practicable then and now.


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